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The biggest marker of crypto-art’s cachet will come on Thursday, when Christie’s closes bidding on a 21, 000 square pixel collage by popular web artist Mike Winkelmann (aka Beeple) Credit : CHRISTIE'S IMAGES LTD. 2021

The bidding war for the revolving gold lavatory was fast and merciless. Starting at $50 (£36), offers escalated to $28, 432 within an hour and then to $40, 000, finally topping out at $108, 888.

What Is An NFT: Everything You Need To Know - Digital Artwork Blockchain Support Groups Uk

The winner did not acquire any physical object – this was a digital artwork – nor even exclusive access. Instead they received a unique cryptocurrency certificate that proves them the true owner of a video file that can be easily copied or pirated by anyone.

How 21 Museums & Cultural Organizations Engaged With Nfts In 2021 — Cuseum

The art world is no stranger to surreal fads, and this is the latest. Crypto-art, meaning artworks whose authenticity is guaranteed by the same impregnable mathematics that power Bitcoin,   is rapidly seizing the attention of collectors and celebrities in a craze that some have likened to digital tulip mania.

But it has also divided artists, many of whom see it as a hyper-capitalist invasion led by Silicon Valley investors and cryptocurrency speculators.

Already the most coveted certificates – which are known as non-fungible tokens, or NFTs – are selling for as much as $3.7m, with others being resold with huge markups.

Will Nfts Revolutionize The Art Market Or Repeat Its Greatest Failures? These 4 Factors Will Determine Their Fate

The electronic musician Grimes got $5.8m in 20 minutes for a collection of apocalyptic images, while YouTube star Logan Paul made $882, 000 selling highlight reels from his channel (which is free).

According to NonFungible, an NFT market data firm, the estimated value of all such tokens rose from $40.9m in 2018 to $338m last year, with art accounting for $12.9m in sales.

The biggest marker of crypto-art’s cachet will come on Thursday, when Christie’s closes bidding on a 21, 000 square pixel collage by popular web artist Mike Winkelmann (aka Beeple). Noah Davis, a contemporary art specialist at the auctioneer’s New York office, says this first NFT sale has created excitement “in every corner of the art market”.

Non Fungible Tokens (nfts) And Copyright

“We see this as a pivotal moment for the future of new media, ” says Davis, describing NFT works as a “disruptive force” in the art market on par with the ascension of street art and graffiti as prestigious “blue chip” collector's items over the last few decades.

“While the majority of bidders are completely new to Christie’s, there has also been significant participation from those that might now be defined as ‘traditional’ art collectors, ” he says.

Perverse as they may seem, NFTs are not out of step with the art world’s long obsession with stamps of authorship, whatever objects they appear on. Marcel Duchamp’s famous signed urinals are now a hot property, and last year the Tate Modern displayed a vacuum cleaner dust bag signed by Andy Warhol.

How A $13m Craze For 'crypto Art' Is Splitting The Art World - Digital Artwork Blockchain Support Groups Uk

International Women's Day: Crypto Could Help Flatten The Digital Gender Gap

Advocates argue that NFTs allow ordinary artists to profit in the same way – especially online artists, who have long struggled to earn a living from images that anyone can download and repost. What does it matter if they are easily copied? So is the Mona Lisa, which is viewable at very high resolution on Wikipedia,  but nobody believes that even a perfect fake would damage its value.

Jason Bailey, a curator who is attempting to build a comprehensive database of works by major artists, points to studies finding that 96pc of art sold at auction is by men,  and that 41pc of the auction market's profits come from just 0.03pc of sales – which included no artworks by women at all. NFTs, he says, can bypass the "conservative, centralised" traditional system.

The pandemic – perhaps assisted by a surge in cryptocurrency prices – turned NFTs from a niche movement into a phenomenon. “Covid hit artists very hard, ” says Zoyander Street, a Rotherham-based artist and researcher whose work incorporates video games and other digital media.

Nfts: Empowering Artists And Charities To Embrace The Digital Movement

“The places where you’d sell your art, if you're operating under that model,  are closed, and the places where you’d get your supplementary income have closed, and because of the requirements for the schemes that support self-employed people, a lot of [artists] are excluded. Something like NFTs might hold some promise in our current circumstances.”

Already the crypto-art market is advanced enough to have entered its conceptual stage. In a recent discussion on Clubhouse, an invite-only voice chatroom app that has been spreading like wildfire among tech workers and celebrities, NFT artists described various ideas for NFT performance art, such as auctioning corrupted files, certificates representing their virginity or the ability to change their legal name or choose the name of their children.

How To Mint An NFT: A Guide To Create Your Digital Artwork - Digital Artwork Blockchain Support Groups Uk

One explained that he had created and sold a completely empty, transparent image file, as well as a work consisting of one pixel. In response to criticism, he said, he then created a bigger artwork with one hundred trillion pixels.

Finally, A Good Use For Nfts: Preserving Street Art

Yet NFTs have been polarising, in part due to culture clash. Their biggest backers come from the tech industry, especially its aggressively utopian cryptocurrency wing, and most NFT marketplaces are owned or funded by Silicon Valley stalwarts such as the Winklevoss twins and the revered venture firm Andreessen Horowitz. By contrast, many artists are anti-capitalist and disdainful of the tech industry, both politically and aesthetically.

“What distinguishes crypto-art is its overall retrograde aesthetic, characterised by animations copy-pasted from American sci-fi films and comic book fiction, ” said Geert Lovink, a prominent Dutch internet theorist.

“The crypto cult is now too much of an end in itself, ruled by an invisible ‘pump and dump’ mob... [and] dominated by racist Right-wing techno-libertarians.” A set of joke tips circulating on Twitter informed artists that “internet memes, Superman, Batman, toy dolls [and] nudes with no tits” sell particularly well.

Nfts Were Supposed To Protect Artists. They Don't.

Street says there is also a split between artists who make a living by selling discrete artworks those like themself who rely on grants and residencies. The latter group often produce larger, more diffuse projects tied to a particular time and place, such as installations or public performances; not so easy to trade as commodities.

What Are NFTs - Digital Artwork Blockchain Support Groups Uk

Others complain of high barriers to entry at major NFT marketplaces, which often only accept cryptocurrency, creating odd surprise fees and exposure to price swings. One service, OpenSea, asks for a “$50-300” fee to begin trading and unpredictable “gas” payments to cover the cost of Ethereum’s baroque processing methods.

The biggest problem is NFTs’ carbon footprint. Producing and maintaining cryptocurrency takes enormous amounts of power as thousands of computers across the world mint new coins and verify transactions.

Blockchain & Crypto: 2022 Valuation Multiples

While most NFTs use Ethereum, which is less intensive than Bitcoin, the artist Memo Akten estimates that the average NFT, with all its sales and trades, has still created more carbon emissions than a 620-mile car trip.

Atken's figures appalled climate-conscious artists such as Joanie Lemercier, who saw two years of effort to cut his emissions go up literally in smoke. He has now cancelled all future NFT releases.

Street shares those concerns, but also voices a growing feeling among artists that crypto-art’s benefits might be a mirage. NFT sales, they argue, often depend on artists leveraging prestige, resources and connections that are generated elsewhere, such as through public grants or big social media audiences.

History Of Crypto Art - Digital Artwork Blockchain Support Groups Uk

Nfts: How A Technological Trend Redefined Art Ownership

So do NFT marketplaces generate new value, or simply redirect it from an art elite to a tech elite? “Very little has changed in terms of what’s required for an artist to make a decent living, ” they say. “I’m looking at it a bit cynically, but it seems like [cryptocurrency] only benefits the people who’ve already invested in it.”

digital art zombies 2018 tv show reviews

digital art zombies 2018 tv show reviews

, which was about — you guessed it — a smart house. Still, I can’t help but roll my eyes at how lazy the title Zombies is for a film about zombies. That said, while it doesn’t break much in the way of new ground, the latest Disney Channel Original Movie does have some strengths worth celebrating.

Is mostly about zombies, but a kind different than what you might be used to from countless horror films. These undead no longer seek human brains thanks to technological bracelets they wear to help tamper such urges. While this allows the zombies to live, work, and apparently reproduce, they’re still mostly shunned by the humans and forced to live in their own separate community. That is until this year when the zombies get to attend the human high school for the first time (

TV Review: Disney Channel Original Movie \\ - Digital Art Zombies 2018 Tv Show Reviews

, anyone?). This is where our zombie hero Zed (Milo Hanheim) first meets Addison (Meg Donnelly) — a cheerleader hopeful with a “freakish” secret of her own.

In The Flesh Box Set Review: A Thrillingly Original Take On The Whole Zombie Horror Template

Will take you. In fact, this star-crossed lovers plot mixed with an undead element might have you thinking the movie is akin to the modest hit film Warm Bodies. However, that’s actually not the case at all. As predictable as 

Is, it does offer a new type of zombie not seen before as well as some interesting characters that help sell the concept.

Was the production design. Sticking to a color palette of mostly pinks and greens ranging from neon to pastel might sound nauseating but actually works quite well. Additionally, the sets and cinematography in this film come together in a way that heightens the surreality of the world. This, more than anything, was what kept me engaged with this film and made it an enjoyable ride.

Z O M B I E S (2018) (film)

Of course, this isn’t to say that the rest of the film is bad. On the contrary, there were certainly some standout moments, including many featuring the school’s football coach who made me literally LOL nearly any time he was on screen. The two leads also do a commendable job as does the rest of the ensemble.

Film but nothing really stuck out from your standard pop tunes either. I’d have to say that my favorite song overall was probably “Stand, ” but sadly this number was also accompanied by the weakest visuals in the film: a montage of events we’d already seen — including some that happened less than five minutes ago! Admittedly, some of the others might grow on me with repeat listens (and separated from plot), but they were fun at least.

Naturally, I must note that a 32-year-old man is not the key demographic for a Disney Channel Original Movie. That said, I was surprised by how much I came to enjoy about Zombies overall. With a fresh look, fun characters, and a serviceable soundtrack, this is one DCOM I might actually recommend.A zombified tale as old as time made trendy for today's junior Walking Dead audiences, the Valentine's week debut of Disney's Zombies marked a gutsy programming decision for a network well-known for its success updating the House of Mouse's popular 1960s bright, beachy, musical romcom formula for youthful twenty-first century audiences.

Disney Channel's 'zombies' Franchise Will Return With 'zombies 3'

Based upon Zombies and Cheerleaders, an unaired 2012 Disney Channel pilot from screenwriters David Light and Joseph Raso, the 2018 feature length iteration brought back the two series creators, granting them the chance to infuse their clever concept with an even more contemporary twist.

Taking the idea of a wrong side of the tracks romance to bold new heights, Disney's Zombies opens with a vibrant animated prologue which brings us up to speed. Fifty years ago a power company accident with lime soda whipped up a contaminated haze potent enough to turn some of the residents of the formerly idyllic Seabrook into zombies. Fearing for their lives, those unaffected by the contaminant decided to build a Cold War, Berlin style wall to keep the two groups apart.

Fortunately, with their hunger for brains soothed by electro-pulses delivered throughout the day from a smartwatch dubbed a Z-band, the zombie students of Zombietown (including our charming main character Zed, played by Milo Manheim) are excited to follow through on a recent city council decision to allow zombies to attend school alongside the humans of Seabrook.

Disney Channel's 'Zombies' Franchise Will Return With 'Zombies 3' - Digital Art Zombies 2018 Tv Show Reviews

Tv Review: Disney Channel Original Movie \\

When his dream to play for Seabrook High School's football team is dashed by a fearful principal who vows to keep the students separated by segregating the zombies to a dingy basement, Zed decides to break free – thinking if people just met him (as well as his friends) – they would surely see there's little difference between them after all.

Although his optimism is temporarily crushed by a school-wide panic when a student spots Zed and sets off the zombie version of a fire alarm, he gets a second chance at a first impression when he meets a beautiful human in the form of aspiring cheerleader and fellow freshman, Addison (Meg Donnelly).

Taking shelter in the dark, the two engage in friendly banter before they even catch sight of one another (and despite her catching his eye earlier in the film). Yet while Addison's initial defensive response was to punch the tall, cute, green haired zombie on sight as soon as the lights came on, once she comes to her senses, she's just as fast with an apology, realizing that perhaps zombies aren't the horrible people her parents, cousin, and others believe them to be.

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Particularly empathetic due to a genetic challenge of her own (which was revealed in an effective Ferris Bueller style introduction that broke the fourth wall in order to endear the characters to the viewer while also make us realize how right they are for one another), although all Addison wants is to be normal, she understands more than most how unfair it is to judge others just for being different.

Though it's not your average tween spin on Beauty and the Beast , you don't have to be a Z-band scientist to see where Disney's Zombies is going. And while it's safe to say that younger audiences are sure to enjoy the TV movie, some of the swing-for-the-fences performances and shout-tastic line delivery might drive away those old enough for iZombie or Disney’s big sister channel, Free Form.

Why The Zombie Craze Still Has Our Undying Affection - Digital Art Zombies 2018 Tv Show Reviews

Helmed by longtime Disney Channel veteran Paul Hoen (director of past original movie hits including The Mistle-Tones, Camp Rock 2 , and Cheetah Girls: One World ) and choreographed by Christopher Scott and Steven Vincent, it’s well-worth putting up with a few cartoonish moments to relish in some of the work's mind-bogglingly impressive song-and-dance sequences.

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With echoes of everything from West Side Story to Bring It On and Michael Jackson’s Thriller to the Step Up series all blended together, it’s far more daring in its musical moments than it should've been from a storytelling perspective – missing ample opportunities for mild scares and stronger character development in order to push its topical themes even further.

And although it touches on present day allegory – namely the idea of a wall to keep out a population the “perfectly planned" community of Seabrook finds undesirable – and boldly begins to weave some real world applications into its clever plotline, unfortunately the zombiefied premise becomes increasingly Disneyfied as the movie continues. That isn't to diminish what Light and Raso did, however, as you do have to give them credit for even referencing these ideas at all in what most would consider just a light entertainment.

Given its impressive production design, which teaches film literacy by providing both zombies and human sets, costumes, etc with a specific and strict color palette right from the start before eventually letting the shades run together, it's an outstanding example of true creativity and proof why you can't simply write off these network titles as generic kiddie fare. And in addition to Disney's trademark motion picture level dance sequences, Disney's Zombies boasts a few surprisingly effective songs that surely helped attract nearly three million viewers in its February 16 debut.

Plants Vs. Zombies (video Game)

Filling the DVD with audition footage, bloopers, deleted scenes, and a few fun zombified extras including a sheet of glow-in-the-dark tattoos, while this musical geek was hoping for more behind-the-scenes extras relating to the film’s audacious themes and choreography, it’ll definitely delight the young zombie fans in your life.

Z O M B I E S (TV Movie 2018) - Digital Art Zombies 2018 Tv Show Reviews

Text ©2018, Film Intuition, LLC; All Rights Reserved . Unauthorized Reproduction or Publication Elsewhere is Strictly Prohibited and in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. FTC Disclosure: Per standard professional practice, I may have received a review copy or screener link of this title in order to voluntarily decide to evaluate it for my readers, which had no impact whatsoever on whether or not it received a favorable or unfavorable critique.Why The Zombie Craze Still Has Our Undying Affection Disney Channel's new high school zombie musical; The Walking Dead's ratings reign; the buzz for the new book Dread Nation: In pop culture, the undead persist after our brains.

, a high school is integrated with zombie students, including the charismatic Zed (played by Milo Manheim). John Medland/Disney Channel hide caption

Why The Zombie Craze Still Has Our Undying Affection

"The biggest thing we thought was

zoomable digital arteries carrying

zoomable digital arteries carrying

One of the most intricate structures on the human body is the hands. The hands are made up of thirty-four muscles, twenty-nine bones, three major nerves, and two major arteries. The complexity of the hands shows that many structures are required to work in sync to produce various motor movements in the hand. But like anything else in the body, the blood supply is one of the essential requirements to function. The two major arteries in the body are the radial and ulnar arteries. These arteries are the terminal division of the brachial artery. These arteries bring oxygenated blood to the forearm and the hand to maintain proper metabolic activity in the hands.

Even though the hand has two major arteries bringing it oxygenated blood, the hand itself has multiple networks of vessels to ensure proper blood flow and collateral blood supply. The network of blood supply to the hand is complex and critical since there are so many muscles and bones that are performing many metabolic cycles to ultimately work in sync to create movements needed for fine motor skills or activities of daily living.

Blood Supply To Hand - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

The arteries in the hand are made up of three layers: tunica media, tunica intima, and adventitia. The tunica intima is the innermost layer in the arteries. This layer is made up of endothelium cells intermixed with elastic tissue. The function of the tunica intima is to help support proper blood flow since the endothelial cells are made to come in contact with blood without adhering. While the tunica media is the layer in the middle, this layer is mainly composed of smooth muscles. The smooth muscles in this layer create the pulsatile motion of the arteries by contracting to propel blood forward away from the heart to bring oxygenated blood to distal parts of the body. The smooth muscle in this layer also contributes to the integrity of the arteries to dilate and elasticity to snap back to the original shape and size, in contrast with veins that contain less smooth muscle because veins function to drain blood and pool blood until external forces support the propulsion of blood back to the heart. The outermost layer of the arteries is the adventitia. This layer acts as a protective covering on the outside of the arteries.

Anatomy, Shoulder And Upper Limb, Hand Arteries Article

The network formed from divisions of the radial and ulnar arteries provides collateral blood flow to each other blood supplied regions. The radial artery travels toward the hand on the lateral side of the arm then upon reaching the hand it forms the deep palmar arch. This arch is responsible for bringing blood to the thumb and radial side of the index finger by branching into the princeps pollicis artery to supply the thumb, and the princeps pollicis artery will branch into digital branches for the thumb distally. As for the index finger, the deep palmar arch gives off the radial artery of the index finger. This deep palmar arch continues around and sometimes anastomoses with the terminal part of the ulnar artery. The ulnar artery descends toward the hand on the medial side of the arm. When it reaches the hand, the ulnar artery contributes by forming the superficial palmar arch. The superficial palmar arch is the major blood supply to the hand because it brings blood to more digitals and gives a significant amount of blood as collateral to the deep palmar branch if needed. This arch forms around the metacarpal bones and branches into the common palmar digital arteries to ascend the fingers. Once the common palmar digital arteries reach the proximal phalanges, it branches into the proper palmar digital arteries to supply the fingers with blood, which occurs starting at the fifth finger to the ulnar side of the index finger.[1]

During fetal development, arteries arise from mesenchyme tissue. The mesoderm of the fourth aortic arch will form the subclavian artery that is the beginning of the path towards the distal upper extremity arteries. The subclavian artery continues toward the arm and eventually becomes the axillary artery. Once the subclavian artery passes under the clavicle and the first rib then when the artery emerges, it becomes the axillary artery. The axillary artery will continue down the arm until it passes the lower border of the teres minor muscle attachment to the humerus. The brachial artery will continue down the arm until it divides at the cubital fossa. Then the brachial artery divides into the ulnar and radial arteries. The progression of the growth and division of the arteries follows the growth of the upper limb. The proper growth of the limb is influenced by the Homeobox (HOX) genes, which influences appendage development in the correct location while the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) gene influences the division of the mesoderm via mitosis to elongate the upper limb as well as the growth of vessels due to the angiogenesis properties from the FGF gene.[2] 

The radial and ulnar arteries themselves receive blood supply from each other through the formation of collateral blood flow from the palmar arches. The walls of the arteries receive blood supply from a small network of capillaries embedded in the wall of the artery called the vasa vasorum. The vasa vasorum provides the nutrients and oxygenated blood to the artery so the radial and ulnar arteries can function metabolically. As for the lymphatic drainage of the hand, the lymph nodes follow the path of the radial and ulnar arteries and the branches from these arteries. The lymph drains toward the cubital fossa then to the axilla and eventually drains into the junction of the subclavian vein and the internal jugular vein via the right lymphatic duct on the right side and the thoracic duct on the left side.[3]

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Three major nerves descend toward the hand originating from the brachial plexus superiorly. The path of the radial, ulnar, and median nerve follows closely with their corresponding artery. The radial nerve made up from spinal roots C5-T1 will be responsible for innervating the dorsal and extensor side of the lateral part of the hand including the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and lateral half of the ring finger. The median nerve made up from spinal roots C5-T1 will innervate the anterior side of the hand with respect to the same fingers as the radial nerve and lateral palm. The ulnar nerve made up from spinal roots C8-T1 is responsible for the medial half of the palm, ring finger, and the little finger anteriorly and dorsally.[4]

The primary function of the radial nerve is to provide sensory and extension motor movements to its corresponding region of innervation while the other half of the dorsal of the hand will be performing the same motion but innervated by the ulnar nerve. The radial nerve is solely responsible for the supination of the hand. As for hand and finger flexion, these motions are innervated by the median and ulnar on the anterior side. But the motion of abduction and adduction of the fingers are produced from the ulnar nerve. The median nerve is solely responsible for hand pronation.

Dorsal Digital Arteries Of Hand - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

There are many muscles in the hand. The muscles in the deepest layer are between the metacarpal bones are responsible for either abduction or adduction of the fingers. The motion of abduction is created from the four dorsal interosseous muscles while adduction results from three palmar interosseous muscles. The ulnar nerve is responsible for the innervation of these interosseous muscles. Furthermore, the motion of the thumb and the little finger can separate into the actions of the thenar and hypothenar muscles. The thenar muscles are responsible for three key movements of the thumb: oppose (bring the thumb and touch the little finger), abduction, and flexion of the thumb. The opponens pollicis muscle produces the opposing movement, and the abductor pollicis brevis will abduct the thumb; both of these muscles receive innervation from the median nerve. Thumb flexion results from the action of the flexor pollicis brevis. The median nerve will innervate the majority of the flexor pollicis brevis, but the ulnar nerve will innervate the deep head of the flexor pollicis brevis.

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As for the hypothenar muscles, the ulnar nerve will be responsible for the movements in this compartment. The motions are abduction, opposition, and flexion of the little finger. The muscle that performs abduction is the abductor digiti minimi, flexion is by the flexor digiti minimi, and oppose is by opponens digiti minimi.

Common And Proper Palmar Digital Arteries - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

The ulnar nerve and median nerve will also split the innervation for the motion of flexion at the metacarpal phalange joint. The muscle that produces this motion is the lumbricals, and there are four lumbrical muscles. The median nerve will innervate the first and second lumbrical muscles while the ulnar nerve will innervate the third and fourth lumbrical muscles.

The cause of the hand and wrist flexion or extension as a whole is a function of the attachment of the muscle tendons from the forearm and not the actual hand muscles themselves.

 - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

Common Palmar Digital Arteries

As the brachial artery divides into the radial artery and ulnar artery, the ulnar artery is

As for the hypothenar muscles, the ulnar nerve will be responsible for the movements in this compartment. The motions are abduction, opposition, and flexion of the little finger. The muscle that performs abduction is the abductor digiti minimi, flexion is by the flexor digiti minimi, and oppose is by opponens digiti minimi.

Common And Proper Palmar Digital Arteries - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

The ulnar nerve and median nerve will also split the innervation for the motion of flexion at the metacarpal phalange joint. The muscle that produces this motion is the lumbricals, and there are four lumbrical muscles. The median nerve will innervate the first and second lumbrical muscles while the ulnar nerve will innervate the third and fourth lumbrical muscles.

The cause of the hand and wrist flexion or extension as a whole is a function of the attachment of the muscle tendons from the forearm and not the actual hand muscles themselves.

 - Zoomable Digital Arteries Carrying

Common Palmar Digital Arteries

As the brachial artery divides into the radial artery and ulnar artery, the ulnar artery is

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This eventually led me to create some of my own (in hindsight, very badly), but it had me hooked and wanting to learn more about how digital assets were created.

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I studied VFX at the university in London. After I graduated, I landed my first job at a relatively small studio focused on TV advertising.

After getting around three years of industry experience, I made the decision to start my own company and work on a freelance basis.

I’ll talk a bit more about how this happened further on. It ties in with the current coronavirus pandemic, and sparked the creation of my workstation/studio which you’re reading about!

Artificial Intelligence: How Ai Is Changing Art

If you’re interested, you can check out the kinds of things I get to work on from my studio over on my website.

However, as I’ve become busier and busier with work, I find it hard to be sitting at a desk for more time than I

Thankfully, I’ve been symptom-free for quite a while now after developing healthy work habits to keep me moving, which tie into my workstation as well.

Meja Komputer/meja Belajar Computer Desk Wood Pc Laptop Writing Table Workstation(bukan Rakitan Costume Design Interior Art)

I started using this room two years ago. I’m still constantly moving things around to get the setup just right, but I think I’m finally content with its current configuration...

3D plan of James’ living room. It's a great way to visualise the space and make design changes before buying any furniture

One of the perks of being a 3D artist is that I’m able to build a 3D plan of where I work. This helps to visualise how things will look.

Digital Drawing Tools That Will Help You Show Off Your Art

This can sometimes help avoid dragging my sofa from one side of the room to the other at 2 am when I’ve had an epiphany of a “better” layout.

I’ve always thought it’s all well and good investing in the fastest GPU/CPU to get the best performance on whatever software or games you may be playing.

However, the way you interface with that content is through your screen. If it isn’t up to scratch, then the money you’ve spent on the flashy internal hardware is in some ways wasted.

The Best Digital Art Software: A Review

James hates the feeling of being crammed into a small space. “When you’re using a mouse, graphics tablet, often a notepad a

I’m keen on having a lot of desk real-estate too. My desk measures two metres wide (78, 7''), and about 70 cm (27'') deep.

I wanted to have an open area that I can use to move around in. Whether this is for yoga, some basic stretching, or flailing around in VR.

Computer Desk Images

“I’m quite keen on an industrial/rustic/bohemian look, which I think the sofa & desk help promote best, as well as the patterned rug”, says James

 - Digital Art Workstation Pc Desk

I think finding stuff on eBay or any second-hand market makes you consider items you wouldn’t have in the first place, compared to if you bought everything straight out of a catalogue.

James had considered buying Embody chair by Herman Miller but preferred the way Sayl looked. Plus, Sayl turned out to be cheaper than Embody

Digital Art: Areas: About: Eskenazi School Of Art, Architecture + Design: Indiana University Bloomington

Comfort-wise, as someone with some back issues, I can’t fault it. The previous chair I had was the IKEA Markus, which ergonomically was a little lacklustre.

With my studio being on the 3rd floor of the house, it does get very hot up here. Especially with computers running at 100% load when rendering or running simulations.

Home Office Chair for a Small SpaceFind the best chair for your tiny home office with this easy guide.Maker Stations Editorial Team

Setup Desk Pictures

A walk-in wardrobe behind where I sit at the desk (this used to be my bedroom as a teenager!). I’ve since turned this into a mini ‘kitchen’ & a storage area for some old tech items.

This means when I’m working away on a deadline, I can make a quick coffee to keep powering through or grab a cold drink from the fridge.

This is also equally, if not more handy when I’m hosting a gaming or movie night with friends — keeps the beers cool and on hand!

Art Desk] Updating Workstation~

The most recent change I’ve made to the room was rotating the desk by 90 degrees to be under the shelves instead of under the TV.

A side effect this move of the desk has had is that in the morning, the sunlight bleeds through the shutters onto my desk. It looks really serene, although it does somewhat blind me.

My Minimalist Digital Art Setup - Digital Art Workstation Pc Desk

I made this out of some MDF boards I had lying around. I also built a riser to keep my PC off the carpet and dust-free.

A Digital Artist's Ultimate Workstation Design Guide For 2021

One sneaky thing I included with this riser was leaving a section on the back panel open. In here, I’ve put a 6-way extension lead.

I also have a 6-way extension lead mounted under the desk just above the computer, which is daisy-chained to the extension lead in the riser below.

Thinking about future improvements to the workstation, I do need to move the TV mounted on my wall now that I’ve moved my desk. It’s currently something you’d see on the r/TVtooHigh subreddit.

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They’re mostly things I would consider ‘tools’, but I really do love my GMMK Pro keyboard. That would be my choice if I was limited to my desk… or maybe the succulent.

James chose the GMMK Pro keyboard as he was after a sturdy aluminium board with offset arrow keys (as well as a volume knob). This board fitted the bill

I was also considering the Leopold FC980M at the time as an alternative, but with the GMMK Pro being tenkeyless, it freed up a little more space on the desk.

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Skipping past the many bottles of bourbon and scotch on the shelf (these would be fairly easy to pick as favourite items, but that feels like a bit of a cheat) I’d have to say my favourite item is a fossilised echinoid (sea urchin).

My biggest interest outside of visual effects is actually archaeology and ancient history, which I studied for two years at college before I made the switch to VFX.

I also have a collection of photobooks on space photography from both satellites and astronauts. As a space nerd, these rank pretty highly, too.

 - Digital Art Workstation Pc Desk

Best Computers For Digital Art

There are ten prints of the poster in total (including the home office). One is in James’ work studio, one in his parents’ house, one in the first studio he worked in, and another two James gave to a friend and family member. “The other four I have in storage for now”

I tend to get into bed at around 10 pm and usually wake up at around 7:30-8 am. Staring at screens all day can really disturb your sleep.

In the evenings I wear blue light blocking glasses. Although when I’m working on colour sensitive things, these aren’t ideal. They make everything slightly yellow!

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In his role as a generalist VFX/3D artist, James is faced with all kinds of tasks. “3D Modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, compositing, generating fluid simulations, animation... It keeps things interesting”

As I mentioned previously, I have a fairly rare type of arthritis (Ankylosing Spondylitis) and moving is the best thing for it. So this is a very important part of my day.

I get to the gym most days over my lunch break and will do weight training and jump rope skipping. This means I usually have to eat lunch at my desk while I’m working, though it’s worth the sacrifice!

What Is Digital Arts And Computer Animation?

I find it a great way to stop me from sitting down for hours on end, which is very easy to do when I’m fully absorbed in a shot.

Although James loves working from home, he wouldn’t mind working in a studio again one day. “However, I’d only want to be in the studio for a day or so a week at most”

In these break times for exercise, I often find myself figuring out problems in my head and being more productive when I return.

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Whether that’s the local coffee shop with my MacBook (which I sometimes remote into my PC with) or simply the sofa in my studio room to get a bit of a change of perspective.

 - Digital Art Workstation Pc Desk

Working from home has freed up a lot of time for many of James’ hobbies. According to him, he has a much greater sense of freedom and more time for self-improvement

Recently. Although I think

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apps to make digital art pictures images

apps to make digital art pictures images

Artists and illustrators have a new super-tool in their arsenal - Drawing Apps. Tech-savvy creatives are switching from paper to digital and reaping the benefits that drawing apps and art apps offer - powerful drawing tools, special effects, the ability to create vectors or raster images, and even 3D models.

There are a ton of drawing apps, art apps, painting apps, and sketch apps available now to creatives, each with its own USP. Some excel in vector drawings, others in graphic illustrations. There are dedicated apps for image manipulation, mimicking hand drawing, and 3d modelling. While several apps come only in paid versions, plenty of free drawing apps are also available. If you google drawing apps, an extensive list of good drawing apps with their popular features and website links comes up.

 - Apps To Make Digital Art Pictures Images

We have curated a list of the 47best free and paid drawing apps for 2023 to express your ideas in the form of digital art.

Best Free Drawing Software For Digital Artists In 2023

No list of digital art apps would be complete without listing offerings of Adobe drawing apps. Adobe has led the pack for decades, and Adobe Photoshop is still the professional's choice for raster art creation. Photoshop is one of the best drawing apps for iPad, Mac and PC; they also provide accessory apps for mobile devices and tablets.

The biggest drawback of Adobe’s offerings, especially for beginners, is that you must purchase a subscription to use these drawing apps for computers. For established pros with stable cash flow, this presents a little problem, but for aspiring amateurs and beginners, there are plenty of good editing apps that offer good functionality at a fraction of the cost.

If you’re looking for a drawing app that combines the ease and simplicity of drawing on your mobile device with the power of Adobe Photoshop, check out Photoshop Sketch. When combined with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, Photoshop Sketch allows you to fine-tune images created on your tablet later on your computer.

Using Ai Art Apps To Make Digital Art

Just as Photoshop is the industry-standard drawing app for iPad, PC and MacOs for raster pictures, Illustrator is the go-to digital art app for vector art. Illustrator is used to creating everything from basic graphic design tasks like logos to elaborate and beautiful landscapes and portrait photos. With a little practice, you can make nearly anything into a vector in Illustrator.

Similar to Photoshop Sketch, but for vector drawing, Illustrator Draw, a great drawing app for iPad, allows you to create vector drawings on the go easily. You can then save them to your creative cloud account and fine-tune them in the full program later. Both Photoshop Sketch and Illustrator Draw are free downloads, but if you want to export the images for later editing, you’ll need a Creative Cloud subscription.

Sketchbook from Autodesk is one of the most robust raster drawing apps you will find. Compared to Photoshop, Sketch is a purpose-built platform for artists on the go. It’s not meant for photo editing or other tasks, so the program focuses on just what you need to draw on your tablet easily. The program is available for Macs, PCs, iOS, and Android devices. Unlike many drawing apps that stick to proprietary or generic formats, Sketchbook conveniently has the option to export to Photoshop PSD format with layers intact. The best part? Autodesk has now released the full-featured drawing app for free. There are plenty of completelyalternatives to Photoshophere are the best.

Best Drawing Apps And Art Apps In 2023(free & Paid)

A full-featured vector editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Create your own vector artor use built-in graphics to craft original scenes from pre-made elements. A perfect tool for those who work with visuals for social media, content marketing, ads, etc. The app is 100% free. Built-in graphics are free for a link.

An online graphic app that lets everyone create awesome visuals without special skills and costly design software. Use templates or create your own illustrations from pre-made elements (including 3Ds!). Or quickly make up custom photos that look like real. The app's gallery features thousands of cutout photos of diverse people, objects, and animals. Drop them on them on the canvas, combine with a proper background, and your photo is good to go. Working in Mega Creator is like playing a graphic lego.

Sketchpad is a free drawing application, to create stunning digital art, suited for all ages. You can easily share your work online and export it in various formats like JPEG, PNG, SVG and PDF. Sketchpad is available for download on both PC and Mac.

The 5 Best IPhone Apps For Digital Art - Apps To Make Digital Art Pictures Images

The Best Digital Art Software For Creatives In 2022

The Astropad Studio is a different sort of art app that can be a great help to folks looking to create digital drawings. For Mac and iPad users, Studio allows you to connect your iPad wirelessly to your desktop and use it as if it were a drawing tablet. The interface is pretty smooth, but make sure you have a clean system with plenty of free memory to avoid lag. You’ll also want a great stylus like the Apple Pencil.

The Affinity set of art apps is poised to take a significant bite out of Adobe’s market share. These programs are full-featured to the point of having things you have to buy aftermarket in Adobe. Designer is Affinity’s answer to Illustrator. It is a desktop vector art program with every feature you could ever want and one of the best drawing apps for Apple computers. Designer is available for Mac desktop or iPad.

Affinity is also ready to answer your raster art needs. Photo by Affinity is analogous to Photoshop. Its user interface is a bit smoother, however, with cleaver skin changes based on the type of task you’re looking to complete.

Digital Drawing With Astropad

Both Affinity apps are inexpensive when compared to Photoshop and Illustrator. If you’re looking for a great drawing app for iPad and one that is a digital art application for editing or raster drawing, look no further than Photo and Photo for iPad.

For all the painters out there, Inspire Pro turns your iPad into the ultimate painting canvas. This is one of those simple raster drawing apps that can produce some really fantastic artwork thanks to super realistic brushes and massive canvas sizes. You can download Inspire Pro from the Apple App Store.

 - Apps To Make Digital Art Pictures Images

A few key features make Medibang’s apps the best drawing app for some artists. The app is available on any platform you can think of, from Windows and Mac desktops to Apple and Android tablets. They all have a cloud feature, which allows you to easily store, share, and open your work from any device. This is one of the best free drawing apps you really should check out if you are looking at an affordable and easy way to start drawing.

Best Drawing & Painting Apps For Mobile Artists (ios + Android)

Procreate is an iOS-only app designed to fully harness the power of Apple’s popular iPad Pro and Apple Pencil combination. More than just a drawing app, Procreate combines many of the powerful tools you’d expect to find in a much more robust program like Photoshop. Layers, custom brushes, and all sorts of special effects are available on your tablet. You can export images, with intact layers, straight to PSD format to open in Photoshop. It is a popular drawing app for iPad for 2021. For on-the-go art, check out the drawing app iPhone version as well.

Zen Brush is a simple ink brush app for mobile devices. A drawing app for free, it’s super inexpensive and fun to use, but it is pretty limited. However, ink and paper are limiting too, but that hasn’t stopped artists from making amazing artworks with them for the last thousand years.

Pixelmator Pro is a Mac OS app that combines many features and functions of the best editing apps all into one tidy app. Pixelmator features many of the best features for drawing and the standard top photo editing apps functions of other editors. It also features a "layouting" mode for publishing and graphic design work. Their iOS app for mobile is really more of a photo editor rather than an art app.

Digital Art Photo Editor

Those in the graphic design world know that there’s a lot more to digital art creation beyond hand sketching. Illustrator and other vector programs use shapes to “assemble” designs, and this is the idea beyond the Assembly app. By simplifying this process, the app allows users to create logos and design elements with ease quickly. Assembly is made for iOS devices.

Ways To Do Digital Art On Your Phone - Apps To Make Digital Art Pictures Images

Formerly iDraw, Graphic is a full-featured vector design program for Mac, iPhone, or iPad. The program has all of the features of its more popular competitors, and it allows for the creation of anything from portraits to technical layout and CAD style drawings.

Inkist is a super basic drawing app that is available for Mac computers and iOS devices. The mobile app is currently free. It’s not flashy, but it has all the right features to make your artwork pop.

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Luckyclan’s ArtStudio is a full-featured raster art app for iPad or iPhone. It features multiple canvas sizes, layers with masks, over 400 brushes, unlimited undo/redo, and even over 40 filters.

Rizer’s Pixaki has a bit of a limited audience, but if you’re into pixel art, you’re going to love it. Export your

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apps used for digital art for salesforce login canada free

We are excited to announce that we will be adding lots of Salesforce integrations in 2023! To kick things off, we’re going to tell you all about the integrations we will be offering, plus give you a list of our favorite integrations to use with Salesforce.

Linking Salesforce with your other external services is a no-brainer because we know sales and marketing people like the freedom to pick their own preferred tools. How To Implement SSO In Salesforce1 Mobile App? - Apps Used For Digital Art For Salesforce Login Canada Free

This article will give you a detailed overview of different Salesforce integrations, including what they do, how they integrate with Salesforce, and why your sales and marketing team needs them. Read on or jump to the sections that strike your fancy:

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And it is not reserved just for enterprise sales! According to the Revenue Marketing Report 2022, where 300 sales and marketing professionals based in the US were surveyed, a whopping 49% of the respondents reported that they use Salesforce:

Salesforce is a powerful tool. It offers some pretty impressive features for businesses like the Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Salesforce Connect, Salesforce Trailhead, Salesforce AppExchange, and the Salesforce Service Cloud.

And it gets even more powerful if you use integration solutions and Salesforce apps.So, let’s talk about how you can use external applications that integrates with to further your Salesforce workflows.

Salesforce App Development Services

Integrations create a connection between one system or database to another, so Salesforce integrations act as a connector for Salesforce and any external services you might use. There are many, many methods of integration such as bidirectional sync, API integrations, and event-driven integration. We’ll be touching on as many as we can in this article.

You can connect Salesforce with Google Workspace, Slack, LinkedIn, and countless other applications that you likely use every day. But don’t just take it from us; check out Salesforce’s information on their integrations.

Salesforce’s Mulesoft Composer, part of the Mulesoft Anypoint Platform, enables connections across channels, platforms, and internal departments with API-led integration. With integration templates, legacy system integration, and programmatic tools, Mulesoft Composer is an excellent connector for Salesforce.

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Salesforce AppExchange is a marketplace with ready-to-install apps, consultants, and salutations that you can use to connect your digital services with Salesforce. This integration strategy uses complex logic and programmatic tools to ensure that your workflows are as efficient as possible.

Salesforce Labs is a platform that you can use to find countless business applications ready to sync with Salesforce using AppExchange. Salesforce Labs is constantly updating and regularly releases new applications.

Integrations are essential to help you decrease your manual workload and connect your most-used apps together to improve your workflow. Still, even we will admit that integrations can be complicated to understand sometimes.

Salesforce: The Customer Company

With so many integration solutions, it can get confusing. Before we get into recommending specific Salesforce app integrations, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about integrations in the big picture.

Just know that no matter which integration solution you choose, you’ll find that integrated experiences will change the way you work on a daily basis.

And don’t worry if those integration strategies above sounded complicated to you, you’re going to love how easy our App connector is to use.

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There are many integration tools and apps that can act as a connector for Salesforce. Sure, we’re a little biased, but we do think our platform is one of the best for sales and marketing integrations out there. After all, is the only data integration tool designed for sales-marketing integrations.

However, there are several other great Salesforce integrations out there as well. So, let’s first take a look at the ones offers and then a number of other useful integrations.

The simplest and most useful integration you will set up is between your web forms and Salesforce. Such integration will automatically sync contacts from form submissions to your CRM, along with key fields, and record the form submission on the contact profile. This saves time you would otherwise spend on managing contact data (read: exporting-importing lists) and gives useful context to your sales reps, right in the CRM.

The Best Salesforce Integrations For Sales And Marketing Teams - Apps Used For Digital Art For Salesforce Login Canada Free

How To Deploy Salesforce Communities (digital Experiences) Via The Metadata Api

Integrating with Salesforce can be a huge boost for your sales and marketing team and make working with Salesforce and more efficient.

As the largest professional online network, LinkedIn is free for anyone to use. If you’re not already using LinkedIn for your personal or business use, it’s probably time to start.

LinkedIn is the perfect place to create connections, post ads for your business, or create B2B content for industry peers. Plus, LinkedIn offers excellent paid advertising options that are easy to use and track.

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LinkedIn’s networking abilities are one of their most crucial features. If you want to become an industry expert on any topic or engage with people in your industry, LinkedIn is the place to start.

LinkedIn and Salesforce can be integrated through native integration, third-party integration, or API integration. And coming soon, you will be able to connect Salesforce and LinkedIn Ads through our App connector.

One of the most popular use cases for connecting the two platforms is making sure that your LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Salesforce data are in sync. This gives your sales reps a seamless prospecting experience (if they use Sales Navigator already) and records relevant communications for the contacts in Salesforce.

Membership Management For Salesforce

Plus, your sales team will receive “suggested leads” that combine information from Salesforce and LinkedIn to help improve their lead prospecting and efficiently identify your ideal customers.

We all hate the monotonous back and forth of setting up meetings, going back and forth via email or Slack to find a time that works for both parties. Salesforce: Lightning Login With Fingerprint - Apps Used For Digital Art For Salesforce Login Canada Free

With Calendly, you can create a schedule for yourself of your availability, and Calendly will create a shareable link that co-workers or clients can use to schedule a time that works for you both.

The Future Of Salesforce Technology

This is a major time saver for busy professionals and eliminates needless back-and-forth emails when scheduling, rescheduling, or canceling meetings. Calendly does it all. They even send out reminders and create an embed for your website. 

Like the other integrations on this list, integrating Calendly with Salesforce will save you time and money by decreasing your manual entry workload. When a new prospect books an appointment on your Calendly, the contact will be created in Salesforce automatically. If the contact already exists, no duplicate records will be created.

Additionally, whenever meetings is scheduled in Calendly, the event is recorded in Salesforce. You will then always be able to see past and upcoming Calendly events in Salesforce, and customize your flow to sync your leads, contacts, and opportunities automatically.

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The first option you have here is the native integration offered. Installing Calendly native integration is straightforward but once installed it’s confusing where to edit things.

Essentially, there is a thing called “Flows” in Salesforce which allows you to tailor the entire workflow. This makes it very powerful, but also very complex and confusing unless you’re a Salesforce expert.

The workaround to this complexity? ’s upcoming Salesforce-Calendly integration will make the setup super easy, as it’s designed for keeping key data in sync between sales and marketing tools.

Cloud Application Platform

HubSpot Sales Hub is a big player in the CRM industry. Their Sales CRM enables your sales team to gain insights that can ultimately help them turn marketing leads into sales.If you’re considering using HubSpot for your CRM, they have a great onboarding process, including tons of training videos through their HubSpot Academy.

Salesforce Forms And Web Forms Builder For Salesforce - Apps Used For Digital Art For Salesforce Login Canada Free

But there is no competing with HubSpot when it comes to marketing: their Marketing Hub is a clear market leader. HubSpot Marketing can help your team organize a complete inbound marketing campaign that increases traffic and identifies more leads.

Syncing HubSpot Marketing and Salesforce creates a strong integration between your marketing communications and sales assets. This means you can easily transfer data between the two without entering information into both manually. How To Implement Sso In Salesforce1 Mobile App?

A Salesforce-Hubspot bi-directional sync enables all changes and updates in one system to be automatically sent to the other. Plus, you can send information like lead data, lead scores, and more from Hubspot to Salesforce.

DocuSign is the best electronic signature integration for Salesforce out there. With DocuSign, you can easily automate your entire electronic signature process.

Using DocuSign to send, save, and sign your documents is a huge time saver for teams that send and receive documents regularly. And DocuSign isn’t a one-trick pony, either.

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They offer other services, including contract lifecycle management, enabling your marketing and sales teams to automate their contract workflow. And, you gain access to critical contract analytics that your sales and marketing team can use when creating documents in the future.

This integration can help your team send, track, and save documents more efficiently by connecting DocuSign and Salesforce. To activate it, simply turn on the Salesforce integration option inside of DocuSign with their one-click integration.

Once this integration is activated, you can run your electronic signature workflows from Salesforce and create documents with your Salesforce contacts. You can also take payments from partners and customers during the signing process and store their information in your Salesforce system.

Best Paid & Free Digital Art Software For PC & Mac 2023 - Apps Used For Digital Art For Salesforce Login Canada Free

The Best Salesforce Integrations For Sales And Marketing Teams

Woopra is one of the lesser-known tools in this list of sales and marketing giants, but we think that it can be an invaluable asset for your team.

This analytics platform leverages